उत्तर - दोनों आँखों के पीछे तीसरा तिल है वहां बहुत तेज प्रकाश है । जो यहां सूरज निकलता है उसका कुछ भी नहीं है । तीसरे तिल पर सत्तपुरुष की धार आती है । जब तुम मन को चित्त को वहां टिकाओगे तब मन का घाट बदलेगा मन की निःथ-परख तुमको ही करनी हैं कि पहले वो क्या था और अब क्या है ।
उसमें कितना विवेक आया, कितना ज्ञान आया, कितनी बुराइयां छूटी, कितनी दुनियां से उदासीनता छूटी । गुरु इघर मिलते हैं मानव शरीर में । गुरु उधर भी मिलते हैं तीसरे तिल में । वहाँ गुरु का प्रकाशमय रूप होता है जो अति सुन्दर है । बातें भी होती है । इसलिए ध्यान भजन के द्वारा तीसरे तिल पर पहुंची फिर मन की भागदौड़ नाचना-कूदना सब समाप्त हो जायेगा |
Swami ji! The mind does not agree and keeps dancing, what should I do?
Answer: There is a third mole behind both the eyes. There is very bright light there. The sun that rises here has nothing to do with it. The edge of Satpurusha comes on the third mole. When you fix your mind there, then the path of the mind will change. Only you have to examine the mind objectively to know what it was before and what it is now.
How much wisdom came in him, how much knowledge came in him, how much evil was left, how much indifference from the world was left. Guru is found here in human body. Guru is found there also in the third mole. There the Guru has a luminous form which is very beautiful. Things also happen. Therefore, through meditation and bhajan, you reach the third level, then all the running around, dancing and jumping of the mind will end. |